Private Lessons via Skype
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Take private lessons with us "virtually" anywhere in the world using Skype

Study with Sam and Lauri using Skype

skypeAs strange as it may seem, lessons via Skype are amazingly effective. All you need is a computer with audio-visual capability and a high-speed internet connection.

Using Skype, we have given lessons to students throughout the US and Europe. If you’d like to Skype with us, there is no charge the first time we connect. Our first connection allows us to get to know you … and to determine if using Skype will allow us to help you deepen your understanding of yoga.

Our charge is the same for private lessons: Lessons are about 60 to 75 minutes each and cost $US90.  Payment can be made using Paypal.

Although the ancient yogis would roll over in their graves, this technology simply works. You mail email us for further details